Share My Tropical Adventures!
I am offering this both as a service and a request. Yes, it's complicated. You see, I know my value which cannot be measure in any unit, whether bitcoin, dollar or simbi. This cool community is just one platform for me do live my purpose....or mission if you will. The reason I offer it as a request is simply to get more exposure and connections. The reason I offer it as a service is because I KNOW I will brighten lives with this vehicle. I know I assist people in waking up to WHO they truly ARE and this is just one means.
What is the "IT" I am offering here? In 2009 I experienced 7 foreclosures (including losing my home), a bankruptcy, a divorce and, what some would call, a failed moved to Panama. Since then I have been on a gypsy journey I could never had imagined before. So here is the OFFER: I invite you to adventure with me reading my blog from start to finish. Since I have already shared the link here, this whole transaction is based on trust. The story begins eons ago but the blog begins in 2009, generally a good place for most to start, and has approximately 70 posts as of February 2017. Perhaps when you are finished, we will be guided to dance together more.
Training & Qualifications
I AM GODDESS.....One With All.....An extremely unusual Being visiting this planet to Love, shine Light and to Play! Some may remember me (& I them) from the Dolphin, Fairy, Angelic and Mermaid realms. Others from Lemuria and/or Atlantis. I lovingly welcome our re-connection!
On this Earth plane, I play as a Wellness Coach, in the fitness industry since 1982, Spiritual Guide and Intuitive Healer. Two of my greatest joys and treasures in this lifetime are my beautiful adult children Natasha and Jeffrey. Since 2009, I have been homeless….or wherever I lay my head is my home. I actually prefer the latter concept. The zip code I have entered on this site is where I had my last physical house. My gypsy journeys have taken me to Costa Rica, Panama, The Bahamas, Ecuador and more.
Availability & Preferences
My personal availability as well as internet accessibility totally varies depending on my gypsy journeys. Hence I do my best to assist and be assisted in manners that peacefully flow under the circumstances. Thanks for understanding and being in that space of trust with me.