Partner dance coaching
I'm offering coaching in connecting with your partner (as either a lead or follow) on the social floor. Having danced extensively as both a lead and a follow, I bring a unique perspective to becoming a better social dancer, helping you build confidence in your connection and communication. Leads and follows of all gender identities welcome.
Training & Qualifications
I'm an experienced social dancer with 13 years of salsa (on 1 or 2), chachacha, bachata, bellydance, blues, and a hint of hiphop. My focus is social dance with an emphasis on safety, comfort, and warmth. My non-dance teaching chops include a master's in teaching and close to 20 years of working with students of all types, at all levels of knowledge and understanding. I'm a great teacher and would love to bring that to my dancing.
Availability & Preferences
My home isn't large enough to host dancing so you should have some idea where we can practice. I'm available mainly on weekends, during the day. We can also agree to meet out dancing and practice there.