Do you have aches and pains? Stiffness? Unable to do a task such as putting on your coat or tying your shoes?
I will take a history, perform an exam, and treat as necessary. I utilize hands-on chiropractic adjustments from your head to your toes, along with addressing the soft tissues and muscular imbalances. Your appointment will last 30-45 minutes, costing 85 for your first session (45 for each subsequent session, and acupuncture is 25 additional per session).
Training & Qualifications
My name is Dr. CARPER, and I'm your chiropractor. I have my degree as Doctor of Chiropractic, and masters in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and I am board certified in Meridian Therapy (Acupuncture).
Availability & Preferences
I have office hours Monday morning and afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, and Friday morning and afternoon.