Phoodle a colorful mobile game
The game is divided into three modes: Create, Play, and Share. In this guide, we will explain how to play the game, what to expect from each mode, and how to have fun with your phoodle.
How to Play
The game is played from a third-person perspective, using the mouse and keyboard to control your phoodle and the camera. You can also use a controller if you prefer.
The game controls are:
• W/A/S/D or arrow keys: Move your phoodle forward/backward/left/right
• Mouse: Look around and interact with objects or other phoodles
• Left mouse button: Select an option or confirm an action
• Right mouse button: Cancel an action or go back to the previous menu
• Space: Make your phoodle jump or fly (if it has wings)
• Esc: Pause the game or access the settings menu
The game interface consists of:
• A health bar: Shows how much health your phoodle has left. It will decrease when your phoodle gets hurt by enemies or hazards. You can restore it by eating food or using items.
• A hunger bar: Shows how hungry your phoodle is. It will gradually decrease over time. You can fill it by eating food or using items.
• A happiness bar: Shows how happy your phoodle is. It will increase when your phoodle does something fun or interacts with other phoodles. It will decrease when your phoodle is bored or lonely.
• A level indicator: Shows what level your phoodle is currently at. It will increase when your phoodle gains experience points by doing various activities. Higher levels unlock more options and features for your phoodle.
• A coin counter: Shows how many coins you have. You can use them to buy items or accessories for your phoodle.