Reiki Healing from a distance
I will provide distance Reiki Energy Healing.
We can talk via messenger or on Skype to get an idea of what area of life/your body that you would like help with energetically.
Perhaps you would like help narrowing in to the core issue, or we could do a general Chakra Cleanse/Renewal.
Reiki is the energy of the Divine and it is available to us all. I can be a clear channel to connect you with your highest healing, bringing it down to Earth and into your body.
With Reiki I can help release the blocks, stagnation, and traumas being held within you.
Reiki will gently support you in moving forward courageously- rather than leaning back into the unhelpful patterns.
Training & Qualifications
I got my first Reiki attunement/certification in 2010 and upgraded to Level II in 2014.
I have worked with many individuals on their self-healing journey.
As well, I have always been the friend people go to for life counsel, advice, and compassion.
Availability & Preferences
I have designed my life to create an abundance of time flexibility.
(i am both "free" and occupied at all times)