Poster Design
I will design an appealing poster to your specifications. You will need to provide any photos or specific graphics you want. I can alter or adjust photos or graphics that are provided in quality formats. I can also make minor graphics or abstract design elements. I can also make custom handwriting style (not just a handwriting font) for the poster, if desired.
We will start with a consultation to figure out what it is you need. Then we will decide on a Simbi price or exchange that is fair to the amount of work involved. I will mock up a draft based on the information from the consultation and send a draft. You will give any feedback or changes to the design. I will update the design and provide a final proof if needed. Then I will sent the digital files in any format you want (InDesign, .pdf, .png, .jpeg, .tiff, etc.). I will automatically send a .pdf and .png file.
Ideas with price ranges:
> 25-40 simbi for Word based designs.
Any design that is mostly based on words.
ie. quotes that you like, names (like for weddings or parties), other information based needs (like fliers)
> 30-70 simbi for Company/logo based. You provide your logo in decent quality digital format (big enough and clear). Could be used for an advertisement.
Training & Qualifications
Education: B.A. in English, minor in Graphic Design, Masters in Library and Information Science
I design posters for my school several times a year. I also design invitations, cards, and other graphic things for various purposes. Example of work are available.
Availability & Preferences
evenings, weekends, summer