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Hey, I'm Koen!
Cebu City Central Visayas | Member since June 2018
About Koen Jacobs
Founder of and Cupitor at the Open Church for Philosophy and Spirituality (OCPS), creator of Omnis 21 (#Omnis21).
8+ years expertise in private and public information vetting and personality analysis. 5+ years successful small business ownership (currently at the pre-franchising stage). 9+ years in non-profit social engagement.
Investigative reporter from 2009 to 2017.
Koen Jacobs's Services
Koen Jacobs's Requests
Services Koen Jacobs is looking for:
- Digital
- Learning
- Religion
- Translation
- Business
- Marketing
- Friendship/Listening
- Photography
- Entertainment & Performance
- Music & Audio
- Craftwork
- Custom Art
- Art & Design