Hey, I'm Kendel!
Littleton CO | Member since May 2016
About Kendel Villines
Licensed cosmetologist working in Cap Hill Denver, I'm all about bartering!
As a licensed Cosmetologist for over 15 years, she’s been applauded on her passion for education, her constant thirst for knowledge, her creative eye and her practical skills secured from over a decade of experience.
In the grand scheme of things, Kendel planted her roots in Colorado not long ago. After numerous years of struggling with her son’s ever multiplying disabilities paired with the shortage of professional care her son was not receiving in her home town of Tulsa, OK; she boldly left all normality behind in 2012, with her first born, and headed to Colorado with validated hope for a better cure. After her son’s major brain surgery, time to establish solid ground and the grit to continue; Kendel established a new home for her and her family, without skipping a step in her career.
When she’s not in the salon painting her color visions on her adored clients, you can find her researching trichology, cosmetic chemicals and the latest hair trends and products.
She is the mother of three children (two, being teenagers), which keeps her grounded and busy and when she has any leisure time, expect to find her with her beloved boyfriend, a camera, in the woods, shooting images that delight her imagination.
Kendel Villines is also passionate about photography and has held a successful business since 2007 helping small businesses build a creative and professional image as well as serve many families capturing memories that are loved for a lifetime.
Kendel’s empathy is truly what sets her apart from anybody else. She wants to envision her client’s vision, counsel, educate and serve. She is a creative, passionate, well-rounded individual who lives with truth, dedication, and grit.
Her next feat will be her certification for the A.B.C.H. (American Board of Certified Haircolorists) which will further her in her “Doctorate” of Hair Coloring. Expect her to have that under her belt next year!
Services Kendel Villines is looking for:
- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Healing Arts
- Experiences
- Travel
- Tours & Excursions
- Adventure
- Fun & Quirky
- Transport & Rideshares
- Home
- Cleaning
- Home: Other
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Marketing
- Catering
- Meal Delivery
- Fresh Produce
- Learning
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Skincare
- Digital Marketing
- Digital: Other
- Auto Maintenance
- Electrical
- Handyman services
- Maintenance: Other
- IT/Support
- Children
- Children's Lessons
- Children's Activities
- Children's Tutoring
- Children: Other