Home Remodel/DIY Project Consult.
Help guiding you through materials options factoring in costs, ease of maintenance, usefulness in design, durability, etc. Advice on what is and is not a DIY project factoring in your skill level. In General, help develop a plan for any project at home and answer your questions. Most questions are just a click away now, but there are many things that are hard to put into words and hard to understand if one doesn't work with these tasks every day. That is where I come in. I can lay out all of the information required and get some direction in place for your next project, big or small!
Training & Qualifications
I have 15 years experience building and remodeling homes, new construction, furniture building, re-finishing, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, solar/alternative power, painting, decks, greenhouses, etc.
Availability & Preferences
Evenings and weekends.