Computer or IT Services
Give you advice on the right thing to do, or depending on the ask actually perform the work, from an IT Professional's perspective. I'm currently a manager at one of the bigger IT companies in the area, and have been in the business for more than 15 years. In the past, I have done everything from building computers for people to helping the world's biggest corporation deal with highly complex issues. You might want to build a computer? You might want to setup email and a website for your company? Let me know and I can probably help.
Training & Qualifications
A professional who has been working in IT for 18 years. Experience at Norfolk Southern, Virginia Tech, Babcock and Wilcox, Areva, Microsoft and now Rackspace.
I hold a bunch of Certifications at Microsoft, but have also done work across the technology spectrum. Apple, Linux, Networking, Storage, High Performance Compute and more.
While at Microsoft, I specialized in Office 365 so if you need email, I can probably help.
Availability & Preferences
I have a day job!