Life Coaching, Paranormal help.
Sometimes things in life just don't seem to be going your way. It could just be some bad choices or patterns that you need to break. I use Tarot cards along with other divination tools such as pendulums to help people by offering them insight. On the other hand maybe it's not anything to do with you. Maybe someone has put some magick to work in your life that is not working in your favor. I can help break those kinds of holds on people and objects. Do you have a house or a room in a house that just feels bad all the time? People, places and things can be affected by negative energy. Houses get haunted and people feel tormented. Maybe you have nightmares all the time and nothing has been able to help, or just weird things have been happening in your life and you don't think anyone would believe you. I'm here and I've heard it all and i want to try and help you.
Training & Qualifications
I am a Priest of the pagan ways and expert in things occult. I'm a devotee of the great horned god of the pagans and I have assisted in exorcisms and the banishing of disgruntled earthbound spirits. Since helping people is my calling i have never offered by services for money which is why i think Simbi is such a great idea. If you have a problem that you don't understand or you don't think other people will understand i just want people to know that I'm here.
Availability & Preferences
I make myself available when i need to be.