ill Rescue you from horrible date.
Have you ever gone on a date and ended up feeling hella awkward and regretted even going out with that person but dont know how to kindly escape the situation? Well you have found the right person for the job, I will be your escape route, just have my number saved in your phone before you go on a date, just in case, and save the number as "Mom" or "Boss" or "Dad" so that if they see who is calling you it will not seem suspicious. I will call you after you text me the words "Help- Simbi" or "Save me" and I will make up some "emergency" to get you out of the date without you having to be honest with the person and end up hurting their feelings. With my service every will be happy and no one will feel hurt for you bailing on them during a date. OR if you want to go the complete opposite route I will pretend like im your boyfriend and ask you where you are and make a big scene, you would have to "accidentally" answer via speaker if you want to be a douche about ending the date and end up hurting their feelings instead of not hurting their feelings. lmao.
Contact me to converse about the details.
Thanks for your time and hope to be of service to ya soon.
Training & Qualifications
I am a pro at this shit, i do it for my friends like weekly. So ya.
Availability & Preferences
whenever I am awake. ( I am in Pacific Standard Time zone and normally am awake by around noon)