Dental work
I am looking for dental work in exchange for hypnosis services. I am professional, certified consulting hypnotist, and I own and operate Happy Hypnosis LLC in North Portland/Gresham.
I offer a wide range of hypnosis services, so just contact me with what you would like to work on, and I will give you an honest answer in regards to my ability to help. If I cant help directly, I can likely refer you to someone who can.
Needed dental work: I need to clean, fill, and replace cheap veneers on some teeth. I would also love to get old amalgam fillings removed and replaced with safer materials.
Don't hesitate to contact me with questions regarding hypnosis. I offer free consultations.
You can read more about *some* of the items I offer at my website:
I also offer "exploratory" hypnosis, which is an umbrella term for interesting phenomenon that can occur while in a state of hypnosis, such as past-life regression, abduction/experiencer phenomenon, genetic memory, astral projection/remote viewing, enhancement or release of psychic ability, etc. These deep hypnotic services can often be more affecting or satisfying to the people seeking them than most other modalities of self-exploration and healing/understanding past events.
If you now someone who can offer dental services and would like to trade skills/resources, let me know. I can do online sessions via SKYPE, house or office visits, or at my home office by appointment.
Thank you for considering!