Hey, I'm Jason!
Kirkland WA | Member since January 2018
About Jason Hoffman
Currently serving as CEO of Ars Quanta Inc. a consulting firm providing bespoke analytics services to organizations of all sizes and venture human capital to startups with significant opportunities in Big Data Analytics for their products, models and algorithms. Check out our linked in page and website.
I think of myself as a visionary, people-centered leader with an 'Inventor' temperament; I’m a highly-expressed, intuitive problem solver. 15+ years in big data, analytics, product/program management and digital marketplaces. Key idea person/contributor to several digital advertising, social and mobile patents. Quoted in Forbes, Fortune on analytics topics. Serves as advisor to several startups. I have a passion for building junior leaders and helping key individuals grow and become their best.
My long-term area of career interest is around big data analytics capabilities and pivoting products and organizations around them, in both the private and public sectors.
Available as a strategic advisor to tech startups in the social, mobile, ads, and analytics spaces. Available as interim exec for Product Development, Product Management, Analytics roles or to help your firm build word-class analytics capabilities on a consulting basis.