Hey, I'm Jade!
Vancouver BC | Member since February 2017
About Jade McGregor
Hello! I am an after school English teacher for a test-prep based company in Richmond B.C, just outside of Vancouver. I also work a youth softball coach, . Enjoying traveling, I have taught English in South Korea and Indonesia, and also visited Mexico and 20+ provinces and states in Canada and the U.S, often travelling as a collegiate softball athlete. I completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts with double majors in Creative Writing and Psychology at the University of British Columbia and am a charter member of the UBC Psi Chi International Honours Society in Psychology, a lifetime member of the renown Golden Key International Society, and past Dean's List student and Academic-All Canadian. I also finished an Emergency Medical Responder certificate at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. I'm currently completing a Bachelor of Education at UBC.
Jade McGregor's Services
Jade McGregor's Requests
Florian received unit of Resume Editing from Jade
Micah provided unit of Meme Creation for Jade
Inactive User received unit of Improve your English! from Jade
Inactive User received package of Compliments!! from Jade
Inactive User provided package of One minute of unbridled love channe for Jade
Services Jade McGregor is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Just for Fun
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Experiences