Hey, I'm Jacinda!
Winfield KS | Member since November 2016
About Jacinda Eastman
My name is Jacinda. I go by Jac.
In highschool I played the drums, performed on the Flag Team, was a part of Choir and did alot of set design for Theater/Drama. I went to college on an Art scholarship. Sculpting and charcoal is my forté but I excel with other media as well.
I did not finish my associates due to unexpected pregnancy. After I had my son and my daughter I went to tradeschool to be a massage therapist. Then my oldest started displaying some behavioral set backs. I became pregnant with my 3rd child and started on the path of answers and a possible diagnosis (ASD) for my oldest.
I am now a stay at home mom of 3 children; 2 boys and a daughter in the middle. Learning as we go
Jacinda Eastman's Services
Jacinda Eastman's Requests
Services Jacinda Eastman is looking for:
- Gaming
- Fun & Quirky
- Learning
- Cooking
- Gardening
- Counseling & Therapy
- Yoga