Hey, I'm Evan!
Seattle WA | Member since April 2018
About Evan Chiles
What a cool community!
I am a groovy soul born to a Vietnamese/Norwegian family in Portland, OR. My education is in Chinese Language, and Language Pedagogy/acquisition science. I am also an avid musician, rock climber, and Immigration English Instructor (volunteer).
My passions are twofold: Chinese Language and education. To this aim I have built a company from the ground up to make the Chinese language more accessible to English speakers. I spent around 2 years working with a really wonderful Chinese-Canadian company to build a beautiful new approach to teaching Chinese, and it is at the core of my school. For me, this is not just "a job". This is my career, my soul, my passion. I love Mandarin Chinese; being able to teach it, and develop new systems with which to do so, is the single most fulfilling accomplishment of my life.
Evan Chiles's Services
Services Evan Chiles is looking for:
- Digital Marketing
- Video & AV
- Graphic Design
- Writing & Editing
- Marketing
- Art & Design