Mind Mapping for Manifesting Help
In a 30-minute call, we can discuss an approach to mind mapping to help you clarify, attract and holistically plan something new into your life: a job, a relationship, an apartment, a vacation, etc. We'll discuss your goals for this process at a high-level and walk through the mind-mapping process, highlighting tips and directions to ensure you'll gain the greatest amount possible from this exercise.
From LifeHacker:
"Mind mapping is one of the best ways to capture your thoughts and bring them to life in visual form. Beyond just note-taking, though, mind maps can help you become more creative, remember more, and solve problems more effectively."
Training & Qualifications
I've worked with a number of friends and clients to help them "mind map," helping them to gain alignment around what they want, understand the process and do the exercise itself. I've also witnessed its miracles myself :)
Availability & Preferences
Generally flexible!