Firearms and Self-Defense Training
The worst case scenario you come across a gun and you don't know what to do. Just like knives, electrical wiring, or chemicals, these could all be potential hazards in the wrong environment and hands. Learning how to handle a firearm could potentially prevent a tragedy.
My name is Eli Kim and I am a certified NRA instructor for basic firearms safety.
Courses I'm trained to instruct include:
Basic Pistol
Personal Protection in the Home
You do not have to be well experienced nor own a firearm. Every student, begins with the basics and works from there. Self-defense training is building simply on top of the basics of safe firearms handling.
I can do instruction per hour or by recommended certified 8 hour course load. Firearms, ammo, hearing and eye protection, range fees will be supplied and included.
*It is recommended but not required for Personal Protection in the Home students to bring their own firearm for familiarity and troubleshooting.
Students must be able to lift 20 lbs, no criminal record, and have valid state or federal identification .
Training & Qualifications
NRA Certified Instructor: Pistol and Personal Protection in the Home
Availability & Preferences
I'm available most weekdays afternoons and evenings for instruction.