Coaching Session
I provide life coaching and business coaching in the following areas:
- Handling Trauma and Life Stress
- Business and Personal Goal Setting
- Strategic and tactical planning
- Business Communications
- Telecommuting and e-mentoring
My purpose is to help others attain their dreams in business and in life. The world can be made a better place! All my services are with the intent to do so. My doctoral dissertation was about telecommuting and e-mentoring. Telecommuting provides many benefits to employers, employees, and society, but there are also challenges. The challenges can be dealt with.
Traumatic Incident Reduction and Life Stress Reduction can find barriers that are holding you back in life. I have personally had many life breakthroughs that have improved my life and my business.
Goal setting, strategic planning, and tactical planning are vital tools, not just something to put on a business plan. To get to where you want to go you have to know where that place is, where you are now and how to get there, or you won't!
I am looking forward to seeing you in a zoom conference room to discuss more!
Training & Qualifications
I am the director of a vocational school. I also have over a decade of experience in high tech, both leading and being a follower. I also have several years of experience as an educator, in both the high school and community college level. I have taken advanced workshops in Applied Metapsychology including Traumatic Incident Reduction and Life Stress Reduction.
I have my Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership and Development with a concentration in Corporate Training and eLearning from Ashford University School of Doctoral Studies, a Masters in Business Psychology from University of the Rockies, and undergraduate degrees in Computer Programing and Organizational Management.
Again, I am here to help you make your dreams for your life and your business come true!
Availability & Preferences
I am pretty much open.