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Non traditional Gardening


10 per hour - - Posted Sep 15, 2017

Aeroponics, aquaponincs, hydroponics. I am willing to help people start non traditional gardening projects who have the resources, so I too can learn more about it. It's alway great to have an extra hand and mind in the workshop experimenting away :) I myself have set up a little aeroponics experiment that I hope to complete this winter.

Availability & Preferences

Evenings and weekends.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

De's other services

Home Renovation

Home Renovation

Electrical Work/Training

Electrical Work/Training

De's requests

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About De Conway

I love to build and create new things all the time. It's never the same, as the inspiration always changes. Contact me if there's a project you would to take on, and are not sure how to start, or just... want someone to bounce ideas off of :)show more

Open to other proposals
De Conway is looking for:
  • Auto Maintenance
  • Website Consulting
  • Learning
  • Home
  • Fitness