Acupuncture with herbal consult
Acupuncture points are specific areas on the body just beyond the surface of the skin. They have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatic vessels, and capillaries. When a single-use medical grade steel acupuncture needle is inserted into an acupuncture point, it stimulates the sensory receptor, which in turn stimulates the nerve, which then transmits impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.
This complex system of interactions (often called a “feedback loop”) between the brain, hormones, and glands is responsible for regulating a number of bodily processes. Because acupuncture helps to regulate the various feedback loops in your body, it actually allows your body to heal itself of whatever is wrong. This amazing trait is unique to nearly every other medical system, and has sustained acupuncture as a complete system of medicine for over 5,000 years.
Chinese Medical Herbs
Herbalism is at the heart of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM.) There are 5,767 medicinal substances currently in use, including plant, animal, and mineral substances. Anywhere from 4 to 20 of these herbs are combined to form various formulas for patients . At Soul Peaceful Acupuncture we do no use any animal products in our formulas and are aware of any cautions and contraindication of herbal usage with western pharmaceuticals.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses thousands of years of observation and case studies to evaluate these herbs on how they affect vital fluids such as: blood, cerebral spinal fluid, ext; create changes in our organs; and fight pathogens. The herbs used here at Soul Peaceful Acupuncture are considered top of the line and prepared in granule form so that they dissolve in water much like instant coffee. Our herbs are fully compliant with the FDA, farmed using eco-sensitive farming principals, contain biodiverse and sustainable products without using endangered species, verified for authenticity using advanced laboratory equipment, and have over 20 laboratory tests performed on them to ensure their safety fom heavy metals, e coli, mold, and much more.
Training & Qualifications
Meet Your Practitioner
Damian A. Zabielski
Masters of Science in Tradition Oriental Medicine, MSTOM
(Pacific College of Oriental Medicine)
Multi-State Licensed Acupuncturist, L.Ac.
(California and Illinois)
My journey into alternative medicine began when I experienced deep personal healing when working with a Peruvian herbalist. This opened my eyes to the power of plants and inspired me to pursue a career in Traditional Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. My stove keeps a pot for cooking herbs on it ever since. I completed undergraduate coursework in aerospace engineering at the prestigious Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, which is ranked first in the county in this field. The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego,Ca is where I received my Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine.
I hold dual licensure in both Illinois and California. The areas of this medicine that particularly fascinate me and I find I have an affinity for are: psycho-emotional disorders, autoimmune diseases, dermatology, preventative care, and fertility. Working at a veteran's taught me how to care for psychologically shattered individuals and work to reclaim their lost joy.
In addition to Chinese medicine, I have received training and initiations in the lloque, pana, and chunpi paths of the traditional Andean Q'ero medicine. These teaching come from the lineage of Don Melchor Desa, Don Benito Qoriwaman, and Don Andres Espinosa and have been passed down to me by the famous author of, Masters of the Living Energy, Joan Parisi Wilcox. (
Availability & Preferences
Monday 8am to 8pm
Wednesday 8am to 8pm
Sunday 8am to 8pm