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Hey, I'm Charles!
Brighton England | Member since February 2017
About Charles Bertenshaw
Hi. I am 45 years old, living in Brighton. UK Since 1999. I am new to Simbi, I think it is a great idea and platform. I am here to offer help with learning English. I am a native English Speaker. I have a degree in Psychology with Philosophy and a PGC in health care. I am keen to offer English speaking at a cafe or other location. Possibly my abode also.
Charles Bertenshaw's Services
John provided unit of 3d printer, drone help or parts. for Charles
Feb 15, 2017
This guys awesome, had me 3d print a pikachu to give to a local pokemon player as a gig. Im excited to do it!
Services Charles Bertenshaw is looking for:
- Experiences
- Home
- Music & Audio
- Acupuncture
- Physical Therapy
- Wellness
- Health Care
- Fun & Quirky
- Cheap & Easy
- Just for Fun
- Dietary Counselling
- Home
- Friendship/Listening
- Experiences
- Counseling & Therapy
- Healing Arts
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Dietary Counselling
- Home
- Friendship/Listening
- Experiences
- Counseling & Therapy
- Healing Arts
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Health Care
- Wellness
- Physical Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Music & Audio
- Music & Audio