Hey, I'm Bryce!
Portland OR | Member since September 2015
About Bryce Desmarais
I am respectful and kind. I can be a sarcastic smart-ass, but only for the sake of humor, sometimes constructive criticism.. but my intent is never negative. I do many flow arts, proficiently, such as; Gloving, Staff Spinning, Poi spining, and dancing. My goal is to become at least adequate with ALL flow toys and light toys. I have a couple videos demonstrating my skills under the name Mr. Kryspy on YouTube. Besides interests, I make my living as a specialty contractor, painter mostly. I have done work on extravagant homes. One of which me and my father, earlier this year, did the entire interior and exterior, every square inch, of a newly constructed home which is going to be inducted into the architects association for this year's most amazing homes. I can frame, install windows, spray on site cabinetry and woodwork (with a whole lot of precision masking), stain woods, clear coat woods, strip sealers.. etc.
Not to toot my own horn, but I am also intelligent, I can talk for hours just on things I know, and have a knack for remembering around 90% of what I come across. If some type of information is intriguing.. well... I have the mass of human knowledge in my pocket, so I verify before I repeat, I feel too many people "talk out of their ass".
However, most important about me is the fact that I am a self inspired aspiring philosopher. I do not argue, I debate. Approach me about some deeper concept on human consciousness or nature, I will listen and discuss. I feel you have at least somewhat of an idea as to who I am now. I'll leave it at that. Enjoy your day.