Hey, I'm Bill!
New York NY | Member since October 2018
About Bill Amstutz
I am sure you are familiar with the ancient Greek fable that "a fox knows many things, but a hedgehog one important thing." Well, I am a fox. I know a little about everything, and when it comes to media operations I know a lot about most things. I am a natural General Manager, and I can run operational departments. I can help any business trying to grow and become more efficient. And who isn't trying to do both of those things?
In my career, I have managed every part of a media business except for accounting. If you need an accounting person I have some recommendations. If you need a GM, or an operations executive, or a VP of Marketing, or Head of Audience Growth and Marketing, I am your guy.
I solve problems. I get things done, I come up with new ideas. I collaborate. I get along with people. I am funnier than most people, and I like to laugh.
Below are more details, but you need to meet me to fully understand what I have to offer. Shoot me an email or give me a call. My info is in the upper right corner. I look forward to hearing from you.