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Hey, I'm Bailey!
Memphis TN | Member since May 2017
About Bailey Brocato
Obsessive designer. Memphis College of Art Graduate. Avid napper. Yoga newby. Beagle mom. Advertising junkie. Podcast evangelist. True crime connoisseur. Defensive Southerner. Reluctant Buddhist. Proud Brocato.
Bailey Brocato's Services
Services Bailey Brocato is looking for:
- Handyman services
- Auto Maintenance
- IT/Support
- Electrical
- Pet Training
- Veterinary
- Dogwalking
- Petsitting
- Makeup
- Skincare
- Nailcare
- Hair styling
- Website Consulting
- Web/Software Development
- Video & AV
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Music Lessons
- Religion
- Classes & Webcasts
- Meal Delivery
- Fresh Produce
- Bartending
- Cooking
- Dietary Counselling
- Consulting & Coaching
- Business
- Legal
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Cleaning
- Home
- Housesitting
- Gardening
- Friendship/Listening
- Transport & Rideshares
- Tours & Excursions
- Experiences
- Travel
- Adventure
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Personal Training
- Dance
- Yoga
- Art & Design