Hey, I'm Amie!
Tucson AZ | Member since August 2019
About Amie Moyle
Hi, my name is Amie. I've lived all over the United States, and have cooked professionally in Portland, Oregon, and here in Tucson. I've lived in California, Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, and now in Arizona. I love all foods. For the last 2 years or so, I have been a vegetarian. Despite being vegetarian, I still pride myself on being able to cook meat well. I've traveled all over Europe with a boyfriend, and fell in love with food all over again. The Netherlands made me fall in love with beets, which were food I had hated for my entire life!! Never give up on food!! 😘🤘
Amie Moyle's Services
Amie Moyle's Requests
Services Amie Moyle is looking for:
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Translation
- Classes & Webcasts
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Healing Arts
- Wellness
- Dance