Alternative housing: A Skoolie
Ever want to get the low down on nomadic lifestyle? I'm here to dish the good, bad and glorious! We have a 1999 Bluebird bus converted to an RV aka: a Skoolie. I lived fulltime in this bus with my husband for three years. We traveled from AZ to OR. We visited family, epic festivals and nearly lost our minds.
I'll share our budget, build, and lifestyle on the road. Even mental health issues. Just ask, nothing is too weird. I can talk for hours about composting toilets.
This is for fun, creative discussion about alternative housing. I'm drafting my memoir and getting feedback is the main reason for offering this. I'd love to help others determine if this lifestyle is for them. Let's chat.
Training & Qualifications
I lived this lifestyle for three years until we found Grass Valley Ca. We fell in love and we moved here.
Availability & Preferences
Just about anytime