Hey, I'm Alejandro!
San Lorenzo CA | Member since February 2016
About Alejandro Romero
I started as a child solving problems that most adults couldn't solve...yes, that included the time on the VCR. It created a passion for what I do today. A self taught hobby that turned into a fruitful job, if you will.
Always on the lookout for the next step up, to coincide with my constant influx of information, I would like to find a position that suits my need for a challenge. That could be anything from the theater work I do, possibly putting my night time endeavors in story writing to use, or building automated tools to keep your systems running. Furthering my knowledge and career growth is always on my mind. Since that is fun for me, it makes taking those steps all that more enjoyable.
| One sentence summary? I love my work.
Specialties: Windows OS [servers and stations], Mac OS, Linux [most flavors], iSeries [AS/400] systems, Office Suites, Database development, document writing, Python [Learning], PHP, Perl, HTML, shell scripting, VB, UI work, Avaya phone systems, ShoreTel phone systems, set design, lighting design, sound design, video editing, live event video recording, photography and photo editing, professional film.
Alejandro Romero's Services
Services Alejandro Romero is looking for:
- Wellness
- Massage
- Healing Arts
- Health Care
- Home
- Cleaning
- Gardening
- Learning
- Music Lessons
- Digital
- Graphic Design
- Website Consulting
- Digital Marketing
- Digital: Other
- Business
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Legal
- Writing & Editing