Hey, I'm Aaron!
Bellingham WA | Member since June 2017
About Aaron McMonigle
Hello, my name is Aaron. I currently live in Bellingham, Washington. I recently graduated from Western Washington University with a Bachelor's Degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology, and I a minor in Communication Studies. I see myself as someone who is self-motivated, passionate, and driven to be a better person.
Designing and constructing things with my hands is one of my hobbies. I enjoy disassembling and reassembling things as well. I watch How-It's-Made videos and YouTube videos to figure out how things work and how to fix them.
The great outdoors have provided some of my favorite adventures. Something about the salty ocean breeze, the crackle of a glowing fire, the fresh scent of crushed pine needles, it calms me. I enjoy hikes and backpacking trips because every time, you are guaranteed to see something new if you look hard enough - a profound understanding, or a peaceful beauty amidst a restless world.
I was blessed with the gift of athleticism, enjoying competition in sports ever since I could walk. Soccer has been huge in my family for as long as I can remember, but I have personally transitioned to Ultimate Frisbee ever since my freshman year in college.
Aaron McMonigle's Services
Services Aaron McMonigle is looking for:
- Maintenance
- Auto Maintenance
- Web/Software Development
- Graphic Design
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Art Lessons
- Music Lessons
- Classes & Webcasts
- Experiences
- Adventure
- Photography
- Art & Design